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PSA: I am in the process of creating a course to help others gain the knowledge in creating their own brand. If you would like to support me in accomplishing this endeavor please do not hesitate in purchasing one of my collective paintings from my store. These paintings can add a nice accent to your home and a great gift to close friends. Click Here to checkout my store. As a mother and content creator I not only feel called to share inspiration but I also feel that it’s just as important to uplift our community in sharing strategies and knowledge to help others build a solid brand.
I’ve had my chances at giving up on a lot of things as a child. I tried ballet and tap dance, but for some reason I found out I had trouble staying on rhythm. I’ve also tried basketball, but I ended up hating the way the coaches yelled at me. One thing I haven’t given up on yet is my passion. It did get hard at first but I kept on pushing and it consistently molded me into a persistent person. So trust me when I say; I know how it feels to work for something you really love, but when you feel like you want to give up try these three things: Remember your motive, exercise all options, and relax and give it another try later.
Remember Your Motive
What is your motive? What is one thought that can help you strive to be your best? When I think of my motive it’s primarily one person, it’s my baby girl Nylah. She’s my sunshine and she always makes me happy when the sky is even grey. Honestly I believe every parent’s child is their pride and joy. She’s my future and in the future I would want her to be able to be financially stable and passion driven before she’s at least 18. My lil butterfly is only 2 now so I have plenty of years before she becomes of age, but as of now I can at least try to learn on my own before I can actually teach her the craft.
As of now when I have obstacles thrown at me and my back is against the wall then just the simple thought of her actually being ok when she steps in the real world makes me strive harder.
Exercise All Options
If one strategy doesn’t work out well then what’s next? In fact do you even have Plan B and Plan C put into place already just in case Plan A actually fails.
In the beginning I didn’t. When I first started working on my website I was visiting my mom for like 2 or 3 days. I didn’t own a laptop or computer at home so I used her computer believing that I would have the whole website set up in 2 days. IT DIDN’T HAPPEN! Through disappointment my sweet loving mother of course suggested she could lend a hand and finish helping me set my website up. When I called her to help me set it up found out she had little to no knowledge of computer. SO THAT DIDN’T HAPPEN. What did end up working out was that I figured that I could transfer my website to WordPress and WordPress had an app which my phone was compatible for. So Plan C was a SUCCESS I ended up putting my website together on the LG phone that had a cracked screen and consistently reminded me that Life Is Good! It was true but could’ve been better if I planned out accordingly, so take the lesson from me by exercise all of your options.
Relax and Try again Later
I get writers block a lot and even if I have tried all options, and remembered my motive. The inspiration still may not come to me. So sometimes I just got to relax and try again later, because ideas and inspiration literally comes from nowhere. It mostly comes when I’m relaxed, washing dishes, and even listening to music.
So sometimes you can’t force yourself to keep trying but instead allow your mind to wonder every now and then.
As I have strived to become a entrepreneur challenges are consistently thrown at me at many directions and it can gets really hard. My ego is so easy at persuading me to throw the whole passion away and I wouldn’t have to worry about a thing. But in reality it’s not really true at all that why I continue to believe in my motive, exercise all options, and if that doesn’t work try again later. Now that I have made I would never want to give up but instead I’ll opt for JUST DOING IT LIKE NIKE!
Peace and Love,
Mami Kelviana
There is no GREATER AGONY than bearing an UNTOLD STORY inside you
-Maya Angelou
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