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As I began writing this article the first thing that came to my mind was the movie "Yes Day". So for those who have never had a chance to sit down and watch it on Netflix let me explain. The movie starts off with a typical family you know mother and father then of the course the loving children. Initially the parents often said "no" or turned down any request from the children so finally the parents eventually decided to make an agreement with their children and have a "Yes Day".
This "Yes Day" consisted of saying yes to the each child's request for an entire day and to avoid spoiling the movie let me just say that the children's request were quite insane. Although the request were quite over the top the parents found that their children were quite fun and adventurous to be with, and the parents even discovered a little more about their children’s character. I say all this to say that sometimes our life is like the “Yes Day” movie and we often act like the parents to ourselves and constantly say no to ourselves to play it safe or because its convenient. Lets learn how to say Yes to ourselves more often heck maybe even all the time. Just maybe we can finally let go of fear and have fun, be adventurous, and most of all discover new things about ourselves. So to give ourselves that push I've actually thought of 3 ways we can learn to say yes to ourselves.
1. Set Goals
I may say this a lot on my blog, but if you know me personally I would not even say set goals if it did not work. In reality setting goals creates miracles whether it is on paper or a vision board. In fact don’t just set goals and hope for the best. Create a plot to accomplish your goals by first getting your own personal notebook and break your goals down into daily tasks. Write your task in your notebook so you can feel more obligated to complete those task. Trust me it feels so good to know you accomplished something on your list.
2. Create a Non-Negotiable
So let’s say your goals are set in place and you even decided to break down your goals into daily task. Now let’s create a shield for procrastination called a non-negotiable. Once those task are written on paper it is set in stone. Make the decision that you will commit to your goals by completing your task. If your like me go to the furthest extent of saying yes to yourself by writing down some vows to yourself filled with written promises and personal boundaries that shouldn’t be crossed. Remember your in this to win it and have a blast.
3. Show Up For Yourself
Last but not least show up for yourself for once please. We often can develop a habit for dropping everything we are doing for our loved ones and show up when others are in need. Don’t take it to heart when I say this now. I’m not saying there’s anything wrong with showing up for our loved ones but when we show up for people too frequently we eventually can result in a burnout or exhaustion. So this time let’s change the view and switch perception
Drop everything and actually show up for yourself. It’s not selfish to practice self care. Plus how else are you gonna take care of others with a loving and gentle spirit if you can’t even do it for yourself.
As far as we know we live life once. YOLO! So make the best of it by choosing to feel rejuvenated and productive by setting goals, eating healthy, traveling, making new friends, and so much more. Make memories by turning lemons into some delicious, bomb, thirst-quenching lemonade.
Eventually once these goals are all accomplished and you live by this method. Hopefully you can live to tell your grandchildren how learning to say yes to yourself has opened the door to so many blessings and opportunities in life. Well until next time y’all this is my love letter for you today. Be kind with your words and a blessing unto others.