3 Simple Ways to Know Your Worth Without Settling for Less

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PSA: I am in the process of creating a course to help others gain the knowledge in creating their own brand. If you would like to support me in accomplishing this endeavor please do not hesitate in purchasing one of my collective paintings from my store. These paintings can add a nice accent to your home and a great gift to close friends. Click Here to checkout my store. As a mother and content creator I not only feel called to share inspiration but I also feel that it’s just as important to uplift our community in sharing strategies and knowledge to help others build a solid brand.

So you want to pursue this big dream, huh? Im not just talking about an average dream that just brings in a big check to pay the bills and luxurious accomodations, but instead it’s a big dream. The dream that gives people similar to you insight and inspiration, and also the same bright idea that can impact hundreds and maybe millions of lives. In fact your dream has become so big that you must put forth a strategy to act upon it, so you put in the work and surprisingly you’ve made some progress. In fact, some people  have started to find some interest in your ideas. The people that are interested in your ideas want to take part in it and offer to give you a generous donations and/or volunteer in helping you with the labor. Now you begin to develop close relationship with people who have offered their assistance, and they offer you an idea or an easier method that they think might help. You’ve listened to all the ideas that were offered to you, and to be honest their kinda great to consider and some are just far from what you wish to pursue. Now This is it. In this very split second is when you must know what your worth really is and decipher if this idea is worth the risk, or if you should just kindly decline and keep moving forward. So for those who may have a problem deciding whether the offer you were given is worth it at all, or maybe you just don’t have a clue what your worth is. I got your back on this one. Listen up! Three easy ways  to know you worth without settling for less is by first envisioning your dreams and understanding the necessary steps to pursue it; Next before accepting any offer be sure everyone understands the details of how you envision your dream; Finally, don’t allow anyone to convince you to become less of what you envision.

1. Envision Your Dream and the Necessary Steps Needed to Meet Your Goal

Let’s began by understanding your dream precisely. What is your motive and goals? If you haven’t quite figured that out yet that is absolutely fine. Click Here to checkout my article: How to Pursue Your Passion. In which I explain how to find your passion and give insight by setting  a pratical approach with 3 different types of goals. Once you have an idea of what your passion is try to imagine yourself in the act of the day in the life of living your dream. Does it make you feel happy with a warm sense of fulfillment and purpose ? If you said yes, that’s great cause now we know that may be your true passion. As each day passes by remember how it feels to imagine being in this state of accomplishment, and most importantly allow that to be one of your motives and drive as you get closer to your dream. Why? Because you deserve to feel happy plus more.

2. Before Accepting Any Offer Be Sure Everyone Understands Your Dream and Vision

Whether it’s just a simple offer for support or a partnership. Co-creating is an awesome experience. It is the definition of teamwork on a entirely different level, but before you dive in too deep just make sure that the offer which is given to you is faithful to your dream’s vision. Alot of offers can give you many amazing benefits while silmutaneoualy distracting you from your dream and in result have you blindly working for someone else’s dream. So to avoid that chaos make sure the offer and the person you are making an agreement with share a similar mission and vision as you do.

3. Don’t Allow Anyone to Convince You to Become Less of What You Envision

At this point, you have all your ducks in the row and definitely know two things. What you want and How you want it. Nothing can stop you now or can they? What use to shake me to the core most of the time was people’s opinions and how they envisioned me. I’m not talking about the people who are blunt and straight to the point. I’m talking about the people who sincerely care about me and hope for nothing but the best. Those people can sometimes be the closest person to you which you may even hold dear to your heart. I say all of this to just share this simple piece of advice with you: Do not let your feelings and respect for someone and their opinion get in the way of you becoming the best version of yourself and accomplishing your dreams. If you do that you instantly began living life for yourself and not for others. So be yourself a 100% and don’t let anyone influence you  to dilute your essence.

Knowing your worth is so important. You can envision your dreams and set as many goals as you want, but if you sell your dream short then it will be challenging to be fulfilled and faithful to who you really are. So when you dream big envision yourself in your dream, choose an offer that wishes to fulfill the same mission as you would, and most of all Do Not allow anyone to water you down. Because to be honest your ideas are very bright and they look fabulous with you in the picture.


Mami Kelviana

There is no GREATER AGONY than bearing an UNTOLD STORY  inside you

-Maya Angelou


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