How to Pursue Your Passion this Year

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Happy New Year!

2019 is finally here and so many new things are coming to effect for us this year. One of the new journeys many people are embarking on is pursuing their passion. So the big question is: How can we actually stay dedicated to our passion throughout the whole year and get results? I did it by setting goal. Goals to me sounded really mediocre to me at first but once I marked the first goal off the list and eliminated self doubt with many of my accomplishments . I began to feel a lot better about myself and became more confident in my capability. So in order to pursue any passion this year you have to write down three things your long term goals, short term goals, and daily goals. To make a dream or passion come to life you have to be practical and write your goals down in a journal and break each step down to daily goals. I’ll use my Auntie Cynthia for example besides her sweet and loving spirit she is blessed with the hands to cook good food. She is like the Aunt Jemima in my family she can put the soul into any type of cooking. So let’s just say she loves cooking so much that she actually wants to figure out how to make a living with her cooking skills. How exactly would she set her goals.?

1. Set Long-Term Goal

Where do you envision yourself to be at the end of the year or maybe even 5 years from now? Before you answer that make sure you Dream Big and don’t set your expectations to low. Long term goals are great to use with imaginations because it will take time to accomplish that goal but eventually it will be achieved. As for my Auntie Cynthia she shooting for the moon cause she knows her worth as a cook so she probably would write her long term goal out like this: Sale my very own soul food frozen entrees at major grocery stores so I can make income while I sleep!

2. Set Short Term Goals!

Where do you envision yourself in the matter of months or weeks to meet that long term goal? Your long term goal can sometime be so far ahead that you have to set short-term goals to help you stay on track. Split your long term goals into three short term goals. So since my auntie Cynthia wants to sell frozen entrees which millions of people will eventually buy she has to set short term goals since she is still only a chef in her kitchen. Three short term goals she would probably set is:

1. Meet the health regulations and obtain the proper license.

2. Sell entrées at home and in a food truck.

3.Learn how to package frozen entrees.

3. Set Daily Goals

What can you accomplish today to get closer to your short term goals? Completing daily goals can help you meet your long term goal even faster. This is where victory is because each day is either a new chance or another attempt. There have been many days where self doubt has gotten in the way of the most simple task, but you must remember the long term goal at the end. If my auntie Cynthia would like to know how to meet health regulation then her first daily goal would be to:

1. Call the local board of health to see how to meet regulation.

2. Find out how to attain the correct licenses

In the end setting goals is actually fun because you learn more about yourself. You learn how to test your limits and how to eliminate that small voice that tells you that your incapable. I know for sure you can achieve your goals because I am capable of achieving my biggest goal. This year 2019 is about staying true to yourself and doing what you love to do: pursuing that unique passion of yours! So go ahead and set your goals so you can achieve them to succeed.

Peace and Love,

Mami Kelviana

There is no GREATER AGONY than bearing an UNTOLD STORY  inside you

-Maya Angelou


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